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Learning Vessels

We want to help children with

different learning needs.

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Learning Vessels is a social enterprise that aims to support parents and children in their learning journey — regardless of learning needs or socioeconomic background.  We develop and offer quality teaching or learning products and have experience and expertise in conducting literacy-based programmes & workshops.

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"The children who have been through the Early Learning Programme showed increased interest and improvement in their literacy and numeracy skills. It is heartening to know that a programme exists to fill the gaps of learning in underprivileged children and to give them a more equal start with their peers. The team trains and mentors the volunteers to ensure the programme is delivered accurately, consistently and with passion. The children have enjoyed their time during ELP and many parents fedback that their children always look forward to attending the sessions!"


- JL, Social Worker of a Family Service Centre that ran the ELP

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Supported by:

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We are a:

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